Dementia Care Therapy in Pasadena

A devastating diagnosis, but you don’t have to walk alone

When you or a loved one receives a diagnosis of dementia, it’s like the world wobbles on its axis. You knew something wasn’t right, but hearing the news, and knowing what challenges lie ahead, is one of the biggest emotional blows. You’re not even sure where to begin processing this kind of change. Everything you thought you knew about the future is suddenly called into question.

Dementia care therapy can help guide you to feeling a greater sense of ease and control.

Specialized care is so important

Dementia brings a special set of challenges to the typical therapy experience.

  • I know how to work with folks who have aphasia and need more time or gentle cuing to communicate. 
  • I know how to balance a client's right to confidentiality with a family's desire to know about safety issues.
  • I know how to gather information when a client may struggle with recall.
  • I know, both professionally and personally, how profoundly hard it is to watch a loved one lose parts of themselves and their history to this disease. 

But I also know how to reconnect someone with the best, truest parts of themselves, even when so much about them has changed. 

And I know how to help family members feel more confident in their ability to care for not just the person with dementia, but for themselves.

Let's figure this out together

What will we do in therapy?

As a specialist in dementia care therapy, I tailor my approach based on each client's needs and abilities.

For clients with dementia

Some of the issues we address could include

  • coming to terms with the disease
  • changes in living situations
  • preserving independence
  • planning for the future
  • coping with losses
  • maintaining a positive sense of self

If your loved one has dementia

Our work together could include

  • processing your own reactions to witnessing changes in your loved one’s abilities
  • worry about care duties
  • uncertainty about assuming legal or financial responsibilities
  • challenging behaviors or mood changes in your loved one

Dementia doesn't have to define your life. Let's keep you connected to your best self.

Frequently asked questions about dementia care therapy

1. Is my loved one too impaired to benefit from therapy?

Therapy can be helpful for nearly all stages of dementia. To read more about how therapy looks with different levels of impairment, you can read my blog here.

2. Does therapy help with memory loss?

The short answer is no. While researchers are still untangling the relationship between dementia and depression, we do know that up to 40% of people with dementia also have depression. And some studies have shown that patients with dementia and depression have more cognitive impairment than patients with dementia alone. In other words, therapy isn't targeting the dementia directly. It's targeting the depression or other mood disorders that can accompany dementia.

3. Can I come to sessions with my family member?

The decision about who attends a session ultimately rests with the individual client. If I think it would be helpful to have a joint session with the caregiver/care recipient dyad, I'll make that recommendation during a session. I am always willing to find ways to respect the autonomy of a client with dementia while adapting to the reality of the disease. For example, a client with dementia may wish to have sessions alone, but will agree that I can receive information from a family member. 

4. What is the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia?

Dementia is term for a set of symptoms, including problems with memory, thinking, and reasoning, that interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia (60-80%), but other diseases can also cause dementia.