Grief and Bereavement Counseling in Pasadena

Are you wondering if life will ever be good again?

After the death of a loved one, it can feel as if your own life just stopped. Building a new future can seem like an impossible feat. You want to grieve the loss, but are worried you'll be sad forever. Maybe grief is showing up in the following ways:

  • physical health changes, like stress-related illness or weight change
  • pulling back from friends and family because it's hard to "put on a happy face"
  • anxiety and worry about the real-world consequences of the loss, such as learning to live alone or coping with financial matters
  • concern from others about your mood or ability to cope with the change
  • worry about the bereavement process itself. Should I feel better by now? Am I grieving in the right way?

Grief counseling can help you regain a sense of hope and engagement with life. 

Here's what we'll do in grief counseling

Speak openly

You will have a supportive space to tell the story of your loss without fear of judgment.

Cope with the loss

You will develop tools and insights to cope with the sometimes-overwhelming emotions. 

Decide what's next

Together, we'll generate a clear vision of what you want the next chapter of your life to be like.

Move toward healing

You'll carry out the plan to work toward the new version of yourself. You will find a way to carry your memories, honor your loved one, and find peace.

My approach to grief counseling comes from a place of compassion and an earnest belief in your ability to heal from loss. I don't believe in powering through grief in order to "move past" it as quickly as possible. Only with adequate time, support, and insight can true, lasting peace be found. 

It's possible to find joy in life again. I can help you find the path.

Frequently Asked Questions about Grief Counseling

1. Does it matter now long ago my loved one died?

Grief Counseling can be effective whether your loss was last week or decades ago. For recent losses, we may focus on stabilizing emotions, learning what to expect, and addressing any pressing loss-related issues (e.g. moving, family conflicts, attending a funeral/memorial). For losses that occurred months or years ago, we will look for any ways in which you may be getting "stuck," and start building a plan for the future.

2. How do I know if grief counseling is right for me?

Nearly everyone who suffers a loss can benefit from grief counseling. Our culture tends to hide and dismiss grief, or put a time limit on it. Therapy allows a space to truly engage with grief, to look honestly at its effects, and to gain greater acceptance and meaning.

3. What if the loved one who died was my pet?

Grief counseling is absolutely appropriate for the death of a pet! I treat pet loss with the same dignity and compassion as other deaths.

4. How do I get started?

Click on this link, or call or email to request a free consultation.